By Patrick Bromley
In 2022 when Russia was amassing military forces on the Ukrainian border for an obvious invasion what I would have done if I was President is quite simple: I would have made Ukraine an instant member of NATO. This should have been done in 2014 before Russia annexed Crimea.
Call it provisionary status, Article 5 member, or whatever, but I believe that bully Putin would not have dared to invade if he knew NATO would be defending Ukraine. He fears NATO and laments that previous members of the Warsaw Pact and USSR have joined since the end of the Soviet Union.
If President Biden (Obama in 2014) and other leaders of NATO countries had the balls to take this action it could have avoided the tremendous loss of life and damage that Putin’s War has inflicted.
The What I Would Have Done series highlights the actions I advocated when critical events were happening. Of course, any brilliant ideas I had at the time were simply broadcast into the ether and had no chance of being heard or implemented by those in charge.